Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Bunch of Links

For this post, I thought I would just throw out a bunch of links that I found mostly through other blogs that I follow.

If you click on only one of these links, click on this one A Next-Generation Digital Book. I want to make one of these books!! And maybe I should also get a big brother for my iPhone (i.e., iPad) given this next interesting app called Flipboard         15 Ways to Use Flipboard

Could the iPad be the New Sunday Press?
Over One Million People Wrote an eBook Last Year (need to watch a short ad before the story appears).
YouTube Takes Over Delicious Thank goodness. I wrote about this at the beginning of the year - that Yahoo was no longer going to support Delicious. My Google bookmarking replacement for Delicious is okay, but that's about it, just okay...need to start saving my links to Delicious again!
Possible Blackboard Take Over Well Blackboard seems to have bought up everything else, so I guess it is about time for someone to take over Blackboard.
Canadian eLearning Directory Once populated, this could be good.
7 Principles for Collective Knowledge in Conference and Work Settings  including one point about getting rid of the rectangular conference table!
Android Outselling the iPhone
Netbook Sales Down
iPad has 85% of the Tablet Market
Over 8 million iPads Sold This Year and that story was posted at the end of March!
Mom's Review of the iPad
Farewell Kindle. Buh-Bye, iPad
Amazon Might be Making a Tablet? In January, I commented about this being the year of the tablet, well it is sure going that way. Seems like a new tablet is hitting the market on a daily basis. Including the BlackBerry Playbook that I now have in my hot little hands!
Turn Your iPad into a Whiteboard
Results of iPad Pilot at Oklahoma State
How Students Use the Web to Conduct Everyday Life Research
Stand in the Back of Your Classroom and Watch the Screens
Quality Scorecard for the Administration of Online Education Programs This is a good checklist!
New Math Did you know this?
Where are You Safer...At Home or Online?
How To Use Skype in the Classroom
Bleak Future for Web 2.0 So much for this blog!

Until next time.