Sunday, January 16, 2011

Copy of Blog Overview Emailed to Contact List

Greetings all and I don’t think it is too late to say Happy New Year!

You are receiving this because you are either a former professor of mine, or maybe a fellow student, or current/past work colleague, or healthcare professional that I have met either face-to-face or in the virtual world through meetings or a project. This first message is being sent to individuals living in four different countries, nearly all provinces in Canada, and several states in the USA.

The majority of you know that in 2009 I clicked the final save button on my dissertation and completed my PhD in Computing Technology in Education. When you are immersed in that student world, it is somewhat easier to keep up with what seems like daily changes in technology and the applicability of that technology to education. So, for my own ongoing professional development, and to be aware of what is going on out there, I have been following various edublogs for about the last two years. I used to share some of my learning with my colleagues at the Health Sciences Centre Winnipeg; however, since moving onto the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, Division of Continuing Professional Development (CPD), I thought that I should start sharing some of my learning on a monthly basis with individuals like you through a blog called Brenda’s Tips, Blips, and Clips. I started accumulating sharing points just before the New Year and already have 13 pages of interesting tips, blips, and clips just waiting to be shared through a Community of Inquiry.

Thank you to the U of M, Faculty of Medicine, Division of CPD for allowing me to share my own CPD activities through the use of our Division's Constant Contact license.

With all of that now out of the way, here we go!

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